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My outline is off. It leaves a gap or stitches on top of the fill. Why?
1) Make sure the design is appropriate for the fabric you are embroidering on. You can embroidery almost any design on heavy weight fabric, but you should only embroidery small or open designs on light weight fabric. If the design is too dense, the light weight fabric will not drape properly.
2) Make sure you use the correct stabilizer. Stretchy fabric likes cut-a-way stabilizers. Close weaved fabric likes tear-a-way stabilizers.
3) Make sure you have hooped the fabric properly. Sometimes it is better to use a sticky stabilizer or baste your fabric onto the stabilizer instead of hooping it - especially for stretchy material.
4) Make sure the hoop is not hitting anything as the machine embroiders.
5) Here’s a little trick. Instead of using black thread, choose an outline color that is a bit darker than the fill color. Any flaws will be less noticeable.